Under 7 (U7) Mini Program

Under 7 Practice Details

For the first two weeks, review the U5 skills they have learned:

  • Tip Taps (touch top of ball alternating feet)
  • Tic tacs (ball back and forth between feet)
  • Pull backs where they use the bottom of their foot to pull ball back and
    change direction

These three skills can be incorporated into pretty much all stations, by just yelling out every once in a while, show me your tip taps, tic tacs, or pull backs

For all stations demonstrate what they need to do, this would be a good use of the youth coach and maybe a few parents. No matter how simple it seems to you it needs to be demonstrated.

As a group please keep an eye on the time and rotate at the right times. Kids just can bring their water bottles with them to each station and have a drink in between.

Each coach will adapt the stations to meet their needs which is fine, but try and follow the basic premise.

At this age it is still a lot about physical literacy as well as soccer skills. Kids need to learn how to run, jump, hop, skip, roll, throw, etc. Using how different animals move is a fun way to do this: hop like a bunny, or frog, slither like a snake, crawl like a bear, etc.

Please try and make sure you use your youth coach and encourage them to get involved as they may be shy. Bring lots of ENERGY and HAVE FUN!

Station Times: Station 1: 6:05 pm
Station 2: 6:15 pm
Station 3: 6:25 pm
Station 4: 6:35 pm
Station 5: 6:45 pm

Finish at 6:55 with quick debrief with your last group about what they liked and learned this week. Team cheer. Collect all

Stations are quick so try not to waste time getting started

Station One: Obstacle Course

Demonstrate how to do it first

  • No lines up just let them go one after another!
  • Encourage two foot takeoffs & landings over hurdles (switch to sideways jumps after)
  • Dribble around polls (encourage use of both feet and inside/outside of feet)
  • When in ladder try and not touch the yellow rungs. Can also have them try hopping through the ladder after a couple turns running. (stop and show them)
  • Shot on pop up net at the end (have someone (parent) resetting balls for next player)
  • If you think they want or need you can turn it into a race (boys may want this)

Station Two: Candy Shop

Review tip taps (alternating feet touching top of ball) tic tacs ball back and forth between feet and pullbacks (encourage them to rotate with the ball)

  • Will be a square made with cones each side will be a different color to represent a type of Candy. Have each group pick 4 types of candy and name each side.
  • Have kids moving around the middle when you yell out one of the candy names they run to that side. Do it first without any balls and they just run, crawl, hop, skip, etc .to get used to it.
  • Then introduce balls they need to dribble their ball to that sideline do 10 tip taps and 10 tic tacs then a pull back and continue dribbling around.
  • You will probably have to stand on the side or point to it as they won't remember the sides at first.

Station Three: Shark Attack Game

Every player will need a ball except for the tagger who is the shark. 

  • Players will start on one side of the playing area, except for the sharks.
  • Players designated as sharks will start in the middle.
  • Players must always dribble across to the other side with the ball in control. The players designated as sharks must tag the other players.
  • Once a player’s tagged take their ball and they will join the sharks the next round.
  • Continue playing the game by making the remaining players cross from one side to the other until all players are tagged.
  • Make sure to demonstrate the concepts of dribbling (use laces, toe down).

Station Four: 3 v 3 Game

There will be extra set of jerseys or pinnies for one team to wear

  • Keep it just at 3v3 with subs
  • Have a couple balls in your hands to restart when needed (no downtime)
  • Coaches should be in the playing grid talking to and trying to spread of the play (at times take the ball and pass to space)
  • When the ball goes out anywhere no throw ins, corners, or goal kicks! Whenever the ball goes out of bounds quickly get the game started again by picking a player to dribble or pass ball back in. Note: Try to choose players who may not have touched the ball much.
  • After goals just have the team that scored move back to their own end and other team starts with ball by their own net. Do this as quick as possible
  • No goalies
  • Sub players quickly so no one sits more than a couple of minutes in a row
  • Encourage the kids! Some will be hesitant to participate, and it is our job to help the kids feel confident and have fun!

Station Five: Dribbling Basics

Everyone has a ball moving around grid on their own 

  • Remind them of tip taps, tic taks, and pullbacks
  • Call out these commands along with touching ball with body parts
  • Introduce big toe and little toe turns (basic)
  • Call out these commands along with touch ball with body parts
  • Half the players with balls half without. Those without stand in the grid with feet apart while those with balls dribble under their legs. Take turns.

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